300-hr Course Information
The 300-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training
This course is all about community and keeping the teachings of yoga alive in your heart.
We really want to make this easy for you and we want you to join us. This doesn't happen without your love and energy. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3...
1. You need a 200-hour certification from any qualified yoga school (prerequisite). LEARN MORE ABOUT 200-HOUR
2. Enrollment is $308
Go to this link to enroll: 300-hour Enrollment - after enrollment sign up for individual workshops and pay for those at the time that you sign up. ONCE YOU SIGN-UP AND ENROLL, YOU ARE IN THE LOOP, YOU WILL HAVE THE SCHEDULE. BELOW ARE EXAMPLES OF THE COURSES.
3. The course works through enrolling and completing individual workshops or modules. All modules will go towards your certification. The fees for the individual workshops will range from $22 - $108 and the durations will be from 2-4 hours. There is no time limit to complete your 300-hour certification.
What is the cadence and when can you graduate? GO HERE TO FOR MORE
What is the cadence and when can you graduate? GO HERE TO FOR MORE
The 300-hour advanced is divided into courses that fulfill your hours within the categories;
- asana,
- pranayama,
- meditation,
- sanskrit,
- yoga philosophy,
- ethics,
- anatomy,
- physiology,
- ayurveda,
- assisting practicum,
- business skills,
- alignment principles,
- teaching methodology, and practice teaching.
300-hr YTT Workshop Modules
these are some of the courses
If you want to see the LIVE schedule
website to view the next course
Posture Clinic OneWhat is a posture clinic? This is a study group for you with guidance from experienced yoga instructors that will focus on clarity of instructing the pose and on the yoga pose itself. The clinic space is a time to clear things up. From mysteries to learning the benefits of the postures.
Clinic One is the Warrior-to-the-Core & Animal form workshops. You know those Warrior poses but, where do they come from and what is the intention behind them? There is something deeper and more meaningful to explore as teachers and students. There is a subtle martial arts study here to explore within warrior movement and stillness. The animal forms and their roots in the lineage will be captivating and best told in a story format. |
Posture Clinic TwoClinic Two we dive into the roots of the pelvis and go deep in the seat. The Sit With It Workshop will be a two part series on anatomy of the pelvis and seated yoga postures.
There are tons of seated yoga postures to explore and different ways to safely guide students into them with props and support. All of those seated postures will lead to breaking down seated mediation poses, everything from sitting in a chair to full lotus pose will be explored with two perspectives: the first is from the seat of a yoga instructor and two, building your asana repertoire by getting to know what a steady and comfortable seat is for you. |
Posture Clinic ThreeClinic Three is on How to Sequence Safely and Deliciously *for group yoga and vinyasa yoga.
Learn what works and build your own sequences making your very own deck of note cards for teaching. Walk away from this workshop with a live yoga class to use the next time you teach and know that it will be beneficial to your students. Keep your students coming back to your classes because they love how you guide and move them. |
Pranayama & Meditation One
Pranayama or the regulation of the breath through a certain technique or kriya and the masters will share that you need only master one for yourself personally. In this workshop we will practice a breathing technique and mediate. Each workshop we will practice one kriya. Let's start with the practice of Ujjayi breathing or victorious breath. Victory over the mind waves. Instead of working up a bunch of heat in the back of the throat, we will focus on a softer version that is sustainable and more natural. Once the breath is established we can meditate. We will:
- practice asana to open the body/quiet the mind
- practice pranayama
- practice meditation
- once our practice is established we will take a break
- teaching pranayama + meditation to others presentation and discussion
Pranayama & Meditation Two
Pranayama two *(please read pranayama I), we will use a different breathing than the first one. This time we will explore a kriya called kapalabhati breathing. This clears the lungs and respiratory system by strengthening all of your breathing muscles. This will be a more physical cleansing practice and we will:
- practice a more physical asana to cleans the organs/open the body/quiet the mind
- practice pranayama
- practice meditation
- we take a break
- teaching pranayama + meditation to others presentation and discussion
Pranayama & Meditation Three
Pranayama three *(please read pranayama I), a new breathing once again. In the third series we get to explore Nauli Kriya.
From the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it's a cleansing exercise or kriya. Nauli cleanses the internal organs and tones the abdominal wall via a side-to-side rolling motion of the abdominal muscles.
"This is awesome for weak gastric fire and restores the digestion, always brings happiness, and dries up all defects and diseases."
We will:
From the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it's a cleansing exercise or kriya. Nauli cleanses the internal organs and tones the abdominal wall via a side-to-side rolling motion of the abdominal muscles.
"This is awesome for weak gastric fire and restores the digestion, always brings happiness, and dries up all defects and diseases."
We will:
- practice more physical asana to cleans the organs/open the body/quiet the mind
- practice pranayama
- practice meditation
- we take a break
- teaching pranayama + meditation to others presentation and discussion
Sanskrit & Yoga Philosophy One
Sanskrit is the language of yoga. It's a mantric language and the science of sound itself. You will study sanskrit by the six main categories:
- anatomy
- animals
- distinguishing feature of the pose
- deities and sages
- numbers
- objects
Sanskrit & Yoga Philosophy Two
Sanskrit and Yoga Philosophy II we go deep into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and we will hope to have a special guest teacher for this presentation. Since it's out in the future, we will announce the guest teacher closer to the workshop date. THE DATE IS TBD at this time. We will treat ourselves to a guest lecture who will share the lineage with us by reading the yoga sutras and discussing them in a group setting. We will:
- bring our yoga sutra copy (whatever it may be)
- pen and journal
- learn how the yoga sutras relate to us today
Sanskrit & Yoga Philosophy Three
Sanskrit and Yoga Philosophy III is The Vedas. The vedas are the most ancient of texts to the saints and sages of India. The VEDAS, as with all teachings of such ancient origin, were passed down through an oral tradition. They explain and regulate every aspect of life from supreme reality to worldly affairs. They are the oldest books in the library of mankind known today! Their exact origin remains lost in antiquity. There are four VEDAS.
- read from the vedas
- learn and discuss their teachings
- learn about the RAMAYANA and the MAHABHARATA (plus the Bhagavad Gita)
- hear stories from the texts
- get ideas on how to story-tell or share lineage
how long the course takes depends on you LEARN MORE
the tuition for the course will vary LEARN MORE
10 hour Module | Retreat Option
300 Hour Workshop Modules for 2023
2023 Modules | Ayurveda50 hours of Ayurvedic courses in 2023 means bringing balance and fullness into your life. Ayurveda is the art of living. or yoga. You will deepen your connection to nutrition.